Sunday, May 11, 2008

We Are Never Alone

I think it is important to know we are never alone. We always have angels, guides and guardians all around us to respond when needed. In the true story I am about to tell you, I did not consciously call for help, but it was there. I take great comfort in knowing I am always being looked out for—especially in those moments when I am most vulnerable.

The Fire Next Door
A widow and her teenage son lived next door to us. Next to her was a cemetery, and behind us, a trailer park.

One night, possibly February or March of 1982 (not at all sure of the date), I awoke to a lot of commotion and my daughter screaming, "Next door is on fire!" I ran to the front living room just as the fire department was pulling up.

Everyone got out safely—except the cat. It could have been a whole lot worse. Apparently the son and one of his buddies were asleep downstairs and a quartz heater was in use — too close to the sofa. The house was a total loss. They lost everything and my heart went out to them.

I went back to bed and felt strongly that I needed to do a cleansing of the entire area— my house, the burned out house, the trailer park and the cemetery. Negative energy hung over the neighborhood like a smothering cloak.

I called on Spirit to create a column of Pure White Light descending from Above, penetrating the Earth to its core. Once this column of pure, God Light was in place, I asked that the Light be intensified to the degree it could be tolerated and accepted, purifying all negativity. I held that image for a few moments, released it, and fell asleep.

I became aware of a knocking on my bedroom window. I did not open my physical eyes, but I could “see” a dark, hooded figure outside my bedroom window. From somewhere within me the words were spoken: “Go away, you are not welcome here. Only God dwells within.”

Again the knocking, further away this time and the figure had receded. Once again the words came forth from within me: “Go away, you are not welcome here. Only God dwells within.”

The knocking came a third time, very faint now. The figure was barely visible. Again the words: “Go away, you are not welcome here. Only God dwells within.” Now I was fully awake, fully conscious. While all this was happening, I was in a twilight sleep. I never felt frightened.

I sent a telepathic message to whatever had been outside my window: “If you didn't like the first cleansing, you are absolutely going to hate a second one.” I proceeded to call down the column of Pure, White, God Light and asked for another cleansing. There were no further disturbances that night or ever again.

I mulled over what had just transpired and wondered where those words had come from. Certainly not from my conscious self. I believe those words came through me from some protective source. Angels? Guardian Angel? My God Self? I don’t know and it really doesn’t matter. What does matter is that the protection was there then, and I know it will be there again should I need it.

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